Sunday, September 25, 2005

Hi, just to let my fans know what iv been up to ( ….i have fans now, 3 posts!! True one was from a family member and another was tryin to sell me Insurance from his site, but my demographics show im huge in carrick, and also in Latvia)

So got my first brief last week, its all bout me! Me me me!! All self portraiture until oct 27th- by then I need 6 drawings,6paintings,6mixed media(that’s abit of art talk) as well as a sketch book plus a load of research on artist while doing other classes like ceramics etc!! So contrary to rumours art college is no joke, am working like a trooper. Hardly leaving my room, just sleep, eat and art. Kinda like Castaway in my wee room and I’m tom hanks but without the beard ( that will prob b tried in 2nd or 3rd yr uni.) and ill mite be just as skinny as I have no desire to eat knowing Ill have to cook.( but I am eating f or the sake of mum&claire) Coincidentally theres a position free for a cook/maid open-apply within. Oh talking bout jobs, had a interview for Tescos, went well, id hire me – also had to a kind of practical 5-10mins, so had to unpack boxes?? Don’t know why, they just could have been short staffed , but handled that ok but when asked bout fashion designer(art student etc) I made a joke bout designing for George- which is Asda, not Tesco, but everything else went ok.

Sadly also this week Derek is missing presumed dead, except no one is saying dead, so hes missing presumed ‘had it’ if it is true this means that the hamster has outlived Derek , which is a surprise as the hamster should be dead ages ago ,most likely due to Derek. If you don’t know Dereks a cat,not some relative or a person.


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