Monday, March 06, 2006


we had the best snow last week, bout 2" everywere!!

film 2006, kinda

was at my big sis' this weekend ,was great.. but seen loads of films (3)

watched Hero- which is like Crouching Tiger and House of Flying Daggers, was ok, not the best film out of the 3 of them, watch House of Flying Daggers if you want something from that genre. was a good concept that the same story is told from 3 or 4 points of view, and every point of view had a differnt colour. but never really got into it, dont think that i even saw the end properly... but was just ok..

then i saw citizen kane (was on RTE at 130-330am) , "The Greatest Film Ever Made"-empire, and it was very very good, although all black and white, still felt like it could have been made today. think i may have lets its reputation percede it, but still was a really good show!!

then chris got us in to Munich (for free- with some free popcorn) on saturday night- and it too was a really really good show. was all about the 17970's olympics and the Isreallies and the Palastiens... was really good... and this group is gathered to gether to avenge the deaths of the athleties the Palestiens had killed.

so theres my mini- film reviews.

also seen some hard hitting story telling about a small scotish town, and the problems faced by old people who cant get out of the house when it snows and were boat trips are cancelled due to storms etc..


i thought there was much need for a blog, and i found an IT room thats open access, although does smell like wee, but you eventually get used to it.

was thinkin of things to make my blog more interesting, and clearly gettin readers participation doesnt work (unsucessfully attempts include- name chris&alices tortoises, and try and name ginger actors) and realised that the only interesting thing in my life(the only thing in my life rite now) is my art and designs,

so was designin luggage last module, was good, there are pictures to follow, but made it a spherical etc. but havent got pics yet,

but this module im making lights from 'unorthdox' and 'unushual' materials

playin cards, put together with slits, and no glue, lookin back i really should have used glue, cause it feel apart soon after this photo, but was more a challenge to see how big i could get it, not really for art....

dust masks (quite proud of this one)

but only working at this brief for a couple of weeks, have another 4ish weeks to work at it, so should be more lamps to come

in general loving the course so much , done ucas etc last week for next year- am going to be a product designer when i grow up.. applied for belfast and should get in God willing....