wow two posts in two days
well that last post was to tell people about what was going on that night, but this is more a weekly summery.
finally finished the self portrature brief, glad its over, was up till 9-5 in college then 5 till 1ish- 2ish back home doin work all last week, survived on mars bars, lucazade and barley sugars!!!wo-ho sugar high!!!!booo sugar low! but got all my pictures and paintings etc put up no probs, dont know wheather i passed r failed till after hallowean, so that was all good- what wasnt so good was having to spend £7 on 1 paintbrush!! 1 brush!! i can(&do) can eat for a week on£7!!(also had to spend £10 on a sketch book- but not so upset about that, cause ill use that.)
so once we put up on thursday our next brief was leaked out on wednesday, and officially given to us on the friday!!
we have to pick one of them and kinda do whatever we want with it, the less related to the actual word the better. so if anyone has anyideas, feel free to post a comment, if kinda got one picked. been kinda been workin on it -
yeah this is it- was workin this afternoon on it (clearly for not very long!) i love art college! its cool the way me and luke have the same kinda homework to do.