Saturday, October 29, 2005

wow two posts in two days

well that last post was to tell people about what was going on that night, but this is more a weekly summery.

finally finished the self portrature brief, glad its over, was up till 9-5 in college then 5 till 1ish- 2ish back home doin work all last week, survived on mars bars, lucazade and barley sugars!!!wo-ho sugar high!!!!booo sugar low! but got all my pictures and paintings etc put up no probs, dont know wheather i passed r failed till after hallowean, so that was all good- what wasnt so good was having to spend £7 on 1 paintbrush!! 1 brush!! i can(&do) can eat for a week on£7!!(also had to spend £10 on a sketch book- but not so upset about that, cause ill use that.)
so once we put up on thursday our next brief was leaked out on wednesday, and officially given to us on the friday!!


we have to pick one of them and kinda do whatever we want with it, the less related to the actual word the better. so if anyone has anyideas, feel free to post a comment, if kinda got one picked. been kinda been workin on it -

yeah this is it- was workin this afternoon on it (clearly for not very long!) i love art college! its cool the way me and luke have the same kinda homework to do.

Friday, October 28, 2005

sorry dave

any one else see the jonathan ross show tonight? id like to appologise profusley to dave ramsey for laughing at his introduction of the word 'book' to baptist youth circles, stephen fry said its cool- and we have to believe him, 'cause hes well smart!

also the magic numbers played on jonathan ross, there 2 sets of brothers and sisters-unlike the mamas and papas(who there continually getting compared to) they were just 1 married couple+2 randomers- me and dad had a debate about this, and i lost.

am just back from the derg, (thats castlederg to anyone not from the west) my friend james was speaking at a youthclub there, think its pretty new. was real good, james spoke real well. think we got roped in to come again another week, and lead a weekend sometime in march.

Friday, October 21, 2005

this post wont intrest alot of people

There has been vicious rumours posted on this site about my inability to finish jigsaws, I would just like to say these comments are totally unfonded and made by people of unsound minds (well mind, singular) and this has been proven by her choice to go the formal with a mr ballentine(jj)

how did you hear about this site?

this post wont really matter to anyone else...

Friday, October 14, 2005

its been roughly two weeks since if last bloged (if thats the right blogging terminology ) would like to say alots happend- but that wouldnt b true... well last week we had workshops not classes( a concept that no one but ppl go to my college/uni/tech understands, so ill not bother explainin) 'cause the famous artist Mary 'so famous there no pictures of my work on internet to show stephens fans' - cousins walker- shes a textiles artist- 'paints with thread' was ok got to sow lots. but i got a day off, and decided to visit the bright lights of belfast- got the bus to belfast then too carrick- quiet impressed I got there all by myself! and stayed wit big sis. then i went into belfast, met jonny stewart accidenlty comin off the bus, so we went round 2nd hand shops and primark together (both students) and the rusty zip - such a class shop- but just to look at and all the pretty colours. then i took jonny to the ulster museum to visit the royal acadamy show( i think thats what i was lookin at?) but was way too hungry to apprechiate it, the chicken tikka sub. was the best thing i seen that day.. (*the exhibiton was good, but just eat first then go get cultured.) then i met up with another friend sean, who took me to his maths building- which is possibly the most boring building in exsistance, so ugly i cried alittle.
then i came back to nice peacefull limavady.
thursday was good, 3 of us wathched 'the goonies' - not part of my childhood, but clearly part of theirs, but was gd- pity there was never a sequal eh claire thompson and kerry aiken, jim couldnt fix that one?? from then till now nothing

much has been happenin since, just been doing art stuff. night